I went to Black Friday shopping today from 6:00am at Glendale Galleria.
Since I was not looking for something limited item you know like TV or computer etc. I did not have to go there so early but I did not want to stuck in the parking traffic. It was good idea to go there early morning. I did not have any problem to find parking and the store was not too crowded so easy to shop. Also I was able to leave before it get really packed which was good too.
I got sweater, shoes, pants etc for 50% off \(^▽^)/ Good deal!!
Also went to Petco for THIS
It was free with any purchase. Looks good right? She did not like it tho...
Hijiki was like Really? She got shoes and I got this?
I also wanted to go to Petsmart since they had better deal than Petco. I came home once and pick up Hijiki and went to Petsmart.
At Petsmart I got this
And this
and Shampoo and conditioner. All 50% off.
She got this huge rawhide but this is for Christmas ( sorry Hijiki~).
I gave her for taking picture and took away. She was not happy about it(oops).
Love A
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