Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Introduce myself

Hi I am Japanese girl who lives in DTLA with pitbull mix who named "HIJIKI".
I adopted Hijiki from shelter about a year ago and since then she is my family/friend/roommate who brings most peaceful time to my daily life.

People ask me "why pit?".  For me "WHY NOT?"
I can not explain this I think only people who own pit knows but I really think pitbull is one of the best breed.

When I was looking for a dog, I knew I want pit, so I adopted Hijiki as "Pitbull mix".
She was more pit looking when she was puppy.

Turned out...
My pitbull "Hijiki" does not look so pitbull as I expected any more but it does not matter in the end.
She is a mix and mixed very well with something. She is beautiful for sure.

What is she mixed with? I have no idea. Because her ears stand up like Shepherd I was guessing she is maybe Shepherd mix but she did not get big as them... so I really dont know what she is.

Some people say she is look like
 Dutch Shepherd
(This pic is not Hijiki, this is Dutch Shepherd)

Yeah, I agree. She does look like Dutch Shepherd...
Well Dutch Shepherd looks much smarter than her (sorry Hijiki)

Whatever she is, she got energy from pit and cutest face from best mix with pit/something.

BTW the name HIJIKI is Japanese. I little bit regret named her this since most people who I met at dog park can not say her name... but I think you will think this is the best name for her if you know why I named this.

Here is why.
HIJIKI is Japanese side dish which colors like her... well she got colored like them.

First pic is Food HIJIKI, and second pic is my HIJIKI. 
Right? I think this is the best name for her.  It is like if not Hijiki then Beyonce.

Anyway my goal of this blog is showing my happy life with pitbull and hoping more people understand pitbull and see them as family dog. 

Love A

1 comment:

  1. We have a Dutch Shepard pitty mix, our dog and yours are twins. I tried to attach a pic but it doesn’t want to work!
